L'Égypte Autrement
  • Informations
  • Included

Egypt, Sphynx

from 520


  • Meal

  • Water

  • Overnights

  • Monument entry

  • Tip

  • Extensions


A singular little sailboat with elegant white, pointed sails has been traveling the Nile since the dawn of time. Crossing the inhabitants of the surrounding villages from one bank to the other of the sacred river. Now the feluccas proudly take young and old alike wanting a discovery at water level, as close as possible to the majestic NIL!

Our stops and escapades in small villages, palm groves, gardens and markets will open the doors to an unknown Egypt, that of the countryside and the fellahs (peasants), living witnesses of an unforgettable past. Fall asleep peacefully under the nocturnal protection of the goddess Nut….

Hair in the wind under the sun of Thor, dare eternal Egypt off the beaten track, and in the most authentic way possible!

A "culture-nature" experience not to be missed!

Itinerary (5 days)


    Flight from your city to Cairo or Luxor. Reception and transfer to the hotel
    Flight from your city to Cairo or Luxor.
    Flight from your city to Cairo or Luxor.
    Flight from your city to Cairo or Luxor.
    Flight from your city to Cairo or Luxor.
  • Day 2 - HERE LUXOR



    Visit the temple of Karnak, first ancient shock through the maze of gigantic columns. Much more than a temple, it is a religious complex that has accompanied most dynasties, which have inexorably dreamed of expanding the site to excess.Depart due south by minibus for Aswan at the gates of Africa.



    Visit the island of Philae with its Ptolemy temple, located upstream from the cataract. Rescued from the waters, he still looks great on his granite raft! In the evening, discover the effervescence and scents of the colorful souk of Aswan.Navigation to reach the west bank of the Nile, finally calm on our exclusive shores. Dinner and night on board, in a double cabin: enjoy the sweetness of Upper Egypt.


    Option: It is possible to organize a visit to the fascinating Abu Simbel temples on the shore of Lake Nasser: departure at 3:00 a.m., return at 11:00 a.m. in Luxor, make your choice on the spot!


    Both sailing and trekking, we shall discover the antique river banks. First, there are the lush green cultures at the foot of palm trees; it is a whole traditional lifestyle around cultivation and irrigation.


    Navigation becomes a pleasure in the sun, half-lying on the deck, gently rocking with the wavelets of the river against the boat’s hull. As we hike, we discover the multi-colored Nubian villages.


    In the distance, the acropolis temple of Kom Ombo stands among the palm trees.


    Visit of the Ptolemaic temple where the crocodile Sobek holds a good place in the pantheon of the Gods.


    Later, the reliefs of the ancient quarries of Silsilla, source of materials for many famous monuments, invite us to hike. Along the way, we discover the secret troglodyte temples and the traces of ancient workers.


    It is the region of the white villages, built by the Arabs who came during the Fatimid era. Domes and mosques rise up, all dressed in white, in a striking contrast. It is also the land of camels… the Daraw market is the best example of this, in a festival of noises and… smells!


    Evening on the banks, good humor, local gastronomy and a small fire.


    “All our products are fresh and “organic” as we say back home! Organic you would say… tomatoes, cucumbers or eggplants are small and tasty; all these vegetables come from the gardens that you will have crossed. 


    Early in the morning, by minibus, head for the temple of Edfu. We are left speechless as we enter these intact terracotta brick walls. The temple looks like a cathedral! In the secret rooms, imagine the priests preparing their idols with sacred incense...


    Transfer to Thebes, this pyramidal plateau facing Luxor which contains the tombs of Queens and Kings. Visit a few tombs carved out of the rock, adorned with mind-blowing paintings, leaving only the limestone statues unmoved!


    We explore the site of Deir El-Medina, the valley of the craftsmen who contributed to the development of the site. Their multicolored tombs tell of daily life. A touching humanity, less rigid than the royal and academic tombs.


    We finally continue our archaeological exploration by the temple of Ramses in Medinet Abu. Admire its colors and its Persian-inspired defensive gate!


    Free evening to immerse yourself in the souk and the ruins, with the possibility of visiting the temple of Luxor at night.




    Transfer to Luxor airport. Return flight to your destination.


    Night train option (with berths) for those who continue the adventure in Cairo. First class cabin, two berths, dinner served by a steward in the welcome car of the Egyptian Orient Express.

Itinerary extension (8 days)


    Early in the morning, departure for the necropolis of Saqqara, the ancient Memphis still having a proud appearance from the top of its oldest step pyramid of humanity. It dominates the desert on one side and the oasis palm groves on the other. Discovery walk through the multicolored Mastabas of the Old Empire, wonders of the history of art and humanity UNESCO, nestled on the edges of the Libyan plateau.


    More precisely and depending on the openings and closings of conservatories, we visit 3 of the most beautiful mastabas of the Old Kingdom, the Pyramid of Téti and the ceremonial courtyard, facing the pyramid of Djoser. We travel, like the ancient pilgrims, the roadway of Ounas. Imagine all around, the Ancient Memphis. Hotel.


    Visit of the Cairo Museum (with a guide to find your way in this cave of Ali Baba… Stroll and lunch in the Art Nouveau district with the appearance of a little Paris of the 19th century: Nymphs, friezes and arabesque alcoves take shape under the romantic wear and tear time… Discovery (optionally with a free extension to the Egyptian Museum) of the singular museum of the French Impressionists: Collection nicknamed “The Forgotten of Cairo” sheltered in a superb villa, overlooking the Nile. Stroll on the quays and free dinner. Hotel.


    "If I had to choose just one work, it would be Tutankhamun's death masks. Certainly it is not original, but how to remain unmoved in front of so much beauty. Gold and semi-precious stones at the service of artistic genius”


    Urban walk that will take us all day. A day through a shambles of Ottoman houses, decrepit hammams, Mamluk medersas, mosques and Fatimid tombs, wedged between stalls and ageless fountains. A logical route that looks like a long crossing. From the gate of the al Foutouf ramparts to the madrasah of Sultan Hassan, passing through Al Azarh, and the dynastic tombs. We end our journey through time under the minaret of the Ibe Tulum mosque, before appreciating the sunset from the citadel of Memeht Ali, 8 kilometers of vaulted passages, alleys with weathered corners, dead ends full of life and small trades… a day at the time of the Sultan. Free evening.
  • Day 12 - RETURN FLIGHT

    Depending on the flight, free morning, transfer to the airport then flight back to your destination...

In summary :

Departure guaranteed from 4 people.

3 to 4 hours of walking and 2 to 3 hours of navigation each day.

2 nights in a hotel in Luxor then under the stars on the boat.

Local English speaking Egyptologist guide.

What is a felucca

The felucca offers you the possibility of discovering the great river in a gentler way. It is a smaller boat, with sails and oars.

But a felucca is also a professional and dedicated crew of two/three people, two felucca and an assistant, a cook and an Egyptologist guide-interpreter with French-speaking training.

The cook on board

It is with art that he will know how to prepare the typical specialties of the country.

You will have typical Egyptian breakfasts. At lunchtime, a choice of mixed salads and hummus, BBQ grill mixes and oriental soup for the evening, cochari and falafel are also on the menu. We of course perfectly accommodate fish including the famous captain of the Nile.

The English speaking guide

It is he who will bring the ruins back to life as in the time of the Pharaohs with his knowledge of Egyptology, it is he who will make you discover the secrets of the Nubian gardens and palm groves and it is still him whom you will question about the customs of the daily life of a living country.

Aucun départ prévu.

Stiévenard , 20 April 2024

Partie avec mes 2 ados, le voyage a été inoubliable. Sur la felouque, le guide et l’équipage ont été formidables et aux petits soins : ils ont su s’adapter à nos besoins et notre rythme . Nous avons découvert ce magnifique pays d’un point de vue très authentique et local. Pour plus de confort et un rythme moins soutenu, jnous vous conseillons de prendre le dahabieh, même si le voyage à la voile est merveilleux. Mathilde, Élise et Arthur
